Enhancing Food Safety and Stability Through Irradiation a Review
Nutrient Preservation
Food preservation can be divers as the process of treating and handling food in such a style as to cease or greatly slow down spoilage and prevent foodborne affliction while maintaining nutritional value, texture and flavour.
From: Food Spoilage Microorganisms , 2006
S.E. Gragg , K.M. Brashears , in Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences (2nd Edition), 2014
Food preservation has been practiced for centuries, with salting generally recognized equally the earliest grade of preservation. Several intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with foods serve to promote preservation, the near important of which include: water activity ( a westward), temperature (low or high), preservatives (i.e., nitrite), acerbity (pH), competitive microorganisms (i.due east., lactic acid bacteria), and redox potential (Eh). These extrinsic and intrinsic factors are limited when applied singly. Nonetheless, when combined with one another in a sequence or applied simultaneously, the activity of each is considerably enhanced. This effect is likened to a series of hurdles that become increasingly harder to overcome the more than hurdles that are utilized. The issue is synergistic food preservation referred to every bit a hurdle effect. To fully understand the furnishings of these hurdles on microbial populations, extensive research has focused on defining the critical limits for growth, survival, and death of the most significant microorganisms associated with the food supply. This information has provided a foundation for designing effective food preservation strategies. Thus, the term hurdle engineering science represents the intentional combination of hurdles, without necessarily list them, at independently sublethal levels to preserve novel and traditional foods. Hurdles tin exist strategically combined such that it is possible for a food to become increasingly economical, have improved microbial safe and stability, every bit well as enhanced nutritional and sensory characteristics. The overall goal is for the hurdles to control the naturally occurring microbial population by either inhibiting growth or inactivating the microorganisms.
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Staphylococcus aureus as a food pathogen: the staphylococcal enterotoxins and stress response systems
J. Gustafson , B. Wilkinson , in Understanding Pathogen Behaviour, 2005
13.4 Nutrient processing and preservation: what microbes come across
Nutrient preservation protocols are in function designed to kill or inhibit the growth of microbes and can exist divided into concrete and chemical methods. Physical methods of nutrient preservation include dehydration, refrigeration and freezing, controlled atmosphere storage, modified temper packaging, vacuum packaging, diverse forms of rut treatment, ultraviolet radiations, ionizing radiation and high hydrostatic pressure ( Farkas, 1997). A large number of chemical compounds are used as food antimicrobials or preservatives, although propionates, sorbates, and benzoates are the most frequently utilized agents (Davidson, 1997). Multiple hurdle technology combines the add-on of nutrient antimicrobials and alterations of several environmental parameters at levels suboptimal for growth, in lodge to inhibit microbial contamination (Montville and Matthews, 2001). Therefore, in order to survive and grow, a lone population of S. aureus must mountain an aggressive stress defense system when information technology finds itself in a food surround. Furthermore, bacteria tin can develop resistance to nutrient antimicrobials employed to inhibit their growth. For example, strains of South. aureus resistant to the action of parabens demonstrate altered membrane structure, which is idea to reduce the membrane absorption and thereby activity of these nutrient antimicrobials (Bargiota et al., 1987).
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M.F. Sancho-Madriz , in Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003
Food preservation consists of the awarding of science-based knowledge through a variety of available technologies and procedures, to preclude deterioration and spoilage of food products and extend their shelf-life, while assuring consumers a product gratuitous of pathogenic microorganisms. Shelf-life may be defined as the time it takes a product to decline to an unacceptable level. Deterioration of foods will result in loss of quality attributes, including flavor, texture, color, and other sensory properties. Nutritional quality is as well affected during food deterioration. Physical, biological, microbiological, chemic, and biochemical factors may cause food deterioration. Preservation methods should exist applied equally early as possible in the nutrient production pipeline and therefore include appropriate postharvest treatment before processing of both plant and beast foods ( Figure 1). Processing techniques usually rely on appropriate packaging methods and materials to assure continuity of preservation. Treatment of processed foods during storage, transportation, retail, and by the consumer also influences the preservation of processed foods.
Figure 1. Losses in the food production pipeline.
Pick of applied science and procedures for food preservation depends on factors inherent to the product, common pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, and cost. Production-inherent factors include customary means of consuming the particular food, sensitivity to heat or other principle used to inactivate microorganisms, and other physical and chemic characteristics of the food.
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Not-THERMAL PROCESSING | Steam Vacuuming
E. Ortega-Rivas , in Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology (Second Edition), 2014
Food preservation techniques accept relied heavily on heat in various forms and levels to destroy microorganisms and extend shelf life. The inactivation of the pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms present in foods is the main purpose of food preservation. Rut-processing technologies are quite efficient in controlling microbial growth in dissimilar foodstuffs, but they too can affect their biochemical composition, causing damage in some of their sensory and nutritive attributes. With increasing demand by consumers to obtain processed foods with meliorate attributes than have been available to engagement, food researchers accept pursued the discovery and development of improved preservation processes with minimal bear upon on fresh sense of taste, texture, and nutritional value of food products. Both improved heating and nonthermal processing technologies have been investigated for their effects on food freshness, diet, and safety. Over recent years, several technologies have been the object of rapid developments in scientific agreement as well equally equipment design. These efforts have helped to eliminate many of the barriers to commercial applications of novel or nonconventional food preservation techniques.
Some alternative food-processing technologies accept eliminated totally the thermal component in their operation and are referred to by unlike denominations. Many terms such equally emerging technologies, novel processes, cold pasteurization techniques, nonthermal processing, so on have been used to depict them. Some of these terms are express or inaccurate. For example, 'emerging technologies' in one case exploited on a commercial scale may get established, while cold pasteurization or sterilization may be interpreted equally existence carried out at temperatures well beneath room temperature. The 2 mutual features that may properly draw all these technologies would be their application at room (or ambient) conditions, and their elimination of the heat component to preserve or convert foods. Thus, the most generic terms encompassing the technologies on discussion would be ambient-temperature or nonthermal food processes. Additionally, given the matter of convention within disciplines, a suitable term to draw alternative technologies in food processing would be necessary. Food scientists seem to concur on the ambiguity of the terms 'ambient temperature' and 'room temperature,' and then they prefer to merely define nonthermal food processing as those technological alternatives aimed at preserving quality of treated foods due to their absence of heat treatment.
Nonthermal food processes may be considered tertiary-generation processing alternatives, every bit they seek to eliminate heat completely in pasteurization and commercial sterilization of diverse food products. Several processing techniques take been investigated in contempo times and include ultraviolet (UV) radiation, gamma irradiation, ultrasound, nonconventional chemical reagents, high-intensity magnetic fields, ultra-loftier-hydrostatic pressure level (HHP), membrane technology, and loftier-voltage pulsed electrical fields. Meat and its derivates are excellent examples of products that take experienced rapid changes in means of existence preserved and processed. Some of these nonthermal processing technologies accept been used in the meat manufacture. A specific method that may be considered nonthermal, aimed at sanitizing carcasses prior to farther processing, is steam vacuuming.
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African Cardamom (Aframomum danielli) Oils
Gabriel Olaniran Adegoke , ... M.O. Afolabi , in Essential Oils in Food Preservation, Flavor and Condom, 2016
Food Preservation
Nutrient preservation is of import in increasing/enhancing the shelf life of food and ensuring food safety. Extending the shelf life of foods is based on controlling enzymes or chemically agile molecules in food, decision-making microbial deteriorative processes, and avoiding faulty postharvest treatment practices ( Adegoke and Olapade, 2012). Thus, Fasoyiro (2007) used petroleum ether and ethanol fractions obtained from the seeds of A. danielli to preserve soybean, cowpea, and maize and found that infestation of the food commodities decreased with an increment in the concentration of the fraction used.
Evwierhurhoma (1998) washed, drained, and treated mature, greenish sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis) with the essential oil of A. danielli followed by storage under ambient conditions (temperature: 26 ± one °C; relative humidity: 75% ± 5%) for 35 days. The author noted that when compared with untreated controls, treated orange samples had very high retention charge per unit of vitamin C with storage time (Tabular array 6), ripened without deterioration (Table 7), and showed no spoilage or no losses (Table 8).
Table six. Vitamin C Values of Oranges Stored at Room Temperature for 35 Days
Treatment | Duration of Storage (Days) | |||||
0 | vii | xiv | 21 | 28 | 35 | |
Command | 72.35 ± 0.10 | 55.65 ± 0.04 | xiv.87 ± 0.20 | 44.52 ± 0.ten | 38.96 ± 0.10 | 33.39 ± 0.03 |
0.5% | 60.42 ± 0.48 | 59.80 ± 0.04 | 51.52 ± 0.05 | 45.44 ± 0.05 | 41.92 ± 0.04 | |
ane.0% | 64.74 ± 0.00 | 61.40 ± 0.04 | 55.65 ± 0.00 | l.59 ± 0.01 | 44.96 ± 0.05 | |
(DIA) i.5% | 64.95 ± 0.02 | 62.00 ± 0.00 | 58.02 ± 0.12 | 52.33 ± 0.08 | 46.twoscore ± 0.10 | |
2.five% | 65.88 ± 0.05 | 62.75 ± 0.06 | 59.41 ± 0.02 | 55.42 ± 0.08 | 48.21 ± 0.04 | |
0.5% | 60.62 ± 0.10 | 57.49 ± 0.10 | 52.41 ± 0.05 | 47.05 ± 0.01 | 41.90 ± 0.15 | |
(VTA) 1.0% | 64.78 ± 0.21 | 61.41 ± 0.10 | 55.95 ± 0.00 | 48.93 ± 0.11 | 45.71 ± 0.10 | |
i.5% | 65.04 ± 0.01 | 62.11 ± 0.01 | lx.twenty ± 0.01 | 53.eleven ± 1.00 | 48.46 ± 0.06 | |
ii.5% | 65.91 ± 0.00 | 63.05 ± 0.x | threescore.44 ± 0.01 | 55.72 ± 0.10 | 50.28 ± 0.02 | |
ET | 66.44 ± 0.02 | 63.48 ± 0.02 | 60.73 ± 0.03 | 58.62 ± 0.10 | 52.47 ± 0.10 |
Values are the means of three replicates, ± standard deviation.
DIA, dipping in aqueous solution of Aframomum danielli; VTA, vacuum treatment with aqueous solution of A. danielli; ET, essential oil treatment.
Evwierhurhoma (1998).
Table vii. Color Changes in Oranges Stored at Room Temperature for 35 Days
Treatment | Elapsing of Storage (Days) | |||||
0 | 7 | xiv | 21 | 28 | 35 | |
Command | M | Thousand | Thou/Y | Y/G | R | RD |
0.five% | G | Thou | G/Y | G/Y | R | RD |
(DIA) i.0% | G | Thousand | G/Y | M/Y | R | R |
1.5% | G | G | G | G/Y | Y/Grand | R |
2.5% | G | G | G | G/Y | Y/G | R |
0.five% | G | G | G/Y | Y/K | R | RD |
1.0% | Grand | Chiliad | Thou/Y | G/Y | R | RD |
1.5% | G | Yard | One thousand | G/Y | Y/G | R |
(VTA) 2.5% | G | K | G | G/Y | Y/One thousand | R |
ET | Yard | G | G | G/Y | Y/Yard | R |
Thousand = dark-green, Thou/Y = more light-green than xanthous, Y/G = more yellow than green, R = ripe, RD = ripe only deteriorating.
DIA, dipping in aqueous solution of Aframomum danielli; VTA, vacuum handling with aqueous solution of A. danielli; ET, essential oil handling.
Evwierhurhoma (1998).
Tabular array eight. Postharvest Losses of Oranges Stored at Room Temperature for 35 Days
Treatment | Elapsing of Storage (Days) | ||||
7 | 14 | 21 | 28 | 35 | |
Control | + | + | + | 10% | 40% |
0.5% | + | + | + | + | twenty% |
(DIA) 1.0% | + | + | + | + | 10% |
1.5% | + | + | + | + | 10% |
2.5% | + | + | + | + | + |
0.5% | + | + | + | + | 20% |
(VTA)1.0% | + | + | + | + | + |
1.5% | + | + | + | + | + |
2.5% | + | + | + | + | 10% |
ET | + | + | + | + | + |
+, no spoilage, and hence no losses.
DIA, dipping in aqueous solution of Aframomum danielli; VTA, vacuum treatment with aqueous solution of A. danielli; ET, essential oil treatment.
Evwierhurhoma (1998).
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Preservation principles and new technologies
1000. Gould , in Foodborne Pathogens (Second Edition), 2009
16.ii Basis of nutrient preservation, prophylactic and the extension of shelf life
Nutrient preservation and the ensurance of microbiological safety are based firstly on the delay or prevention of microbial growth and must therefore operate through those factors that nigh effectively influence the growth and survival of microorganisms. These include a number of physical factors, some predominantly chemical ones, and some that are essentially biological. These factors have been categorised in a number of ways, but the most widely quoted are those of ICMSF (1980), Mossel (1983) and Huis in't Veld (1996). These place 'intrinsic factors', 'processing factors', 'extrinsic factors' and 'implicit factors' and, additionally, 'net effects' that take into account the fact that many of the other factors strongly influence the furnishings of each other, so that the overall influence of combinations of factors may non be obviously predictable, only may be derived from mod predictive modelling studies (McMeekin et al., 1993; McClure et al., 1994; McMeekin and Ross, 1996), and may be of greater efficacy than the perceived furnishings of unmarried factors would atomic number 82 one to await.
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Impairment Reduction to Food Products During Transportation and Handling
Jay Singh , Due south. Paul Singh , in Handbook of Farm, Dairy and Food Machinery Technology, 2013
vii.2 Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)
Food preservation engineering accounts for two main factors of e'er increasing importance, extending production file and reducing the amount of additives used. MAP allows for these demands to be met. MAP involves modifying the atmosphere surrounding the production within the bundle. This in plough allows chemical, enzymatic, or microbiological reactions to be controlled and therefore reduces or eliminates the master processes of deterioration in the production. The bundle normally has a depression permeability to gas, and then that the initial concentrations of the added gases remain unchanged later the package is sealed.
MAP can be used to extend the shelf-life of many fruit and vegetables. Near fruit and vegetables age less rapidly when the level of oxygen in the atmosphere surrounding them is reduced. This is because the reduced oxygen slows down the respiration and metabolic charge per unit of the products and therefore slows down the natural aging process. Elevating the level of carbon dioxide to levels of ii% or more can also be beneficial. Elevated carbon dioxide levels can reduce the production'southward sensitivity to ethylene and can also boring the loss of chlorophyll. High carbon dioxide tin also slow the growth of many of the post-harvest fungi that cause rot. All these effects can help to extend the storage and shelf-life of fresh produce (Jobling, 2001).
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UV-C Light for Processing Beverages: Principles, Applications, and Hereafter Trends
O.T. Antonio-Gutiérrez A.S. López-Díaz A. López-Malo E. Palou North. Ramírez-Corona , in Processing and Sustainability of Beverages, 2019
Nutrient preservation technologies face up the challenge of extending production shelf life past applying different factors to inhibit/inactivate microorganisms while maintaining or even enhancing its quality. Short-wave ultraviolet (UV-C) light is an emerging technology that has been successfully utilized to inactivate microorganisms contaminating water and surfaces of diverse materials. When this applied science has been applied to foods, it promoted microbial inactivation, obtaining condom products with minimal changes in their sensory attributes and nutritional values; contempo advances take demonstrated that UV-C calorie-free holds considerable promise as an alternative to traditional thermal pasteurization for liquid foods, including fresh juices, soft drinks, and other fruit-based beverages. This chapter provides data regarding the use of UV-C light in the beverage industry; including a review of conventional and novel methods for the preservation of liquid products, including thermal and nonthermal technologies. Basic principles of UV-C light and associated technologies, required UV-C doses, foodborne microbial inactivation kinetics, and UV-C equipment design are likewise presented, while the efficacy of UV-C lite in combination with other thermal and nonthermal technologies is discussed. Finally, present condition and future trends in processing of beverages (fruit juices, nectars, soft-drinks, beers, and wines) with UV-C low-cal is also included.
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Microwave Heating of Fluid Foods
H. Umesh Hebbar , Navin K. Rastogi , in Novel Thermal and Non-Thermal Technologies for Fluid Foods, 2012
Publisher Summary
Food preservation is the primary objective of most food-processing operations and the claiming is to ensure quality and safety of processed products. Dielectric heating, which utilizes electromagnetic radiations such as microwave (MW) and radiofrequency (RF), is gaining popularity in nutrient processing. Amongst them, MW has shown a great potential to be used every bit an alternative to conventional heating. These novel processing technologies are regarded as volumetric forms of heating, wherein the heat is generated from within, as compared to surface heating with conductive or convective modes of heating. The volumetric heating of materials leads to higher rates of heat and mass transfer, resulting in reduced processing times and uniform product quality. Increasing demand for high-quality foods likewise as cost competitiveness has necessitated the application of employing electromagnetic radiations, namely, MW-based processes for thermal processing. The efficiency of MW processing depends on many factors, which are broadly classified as system parameters and production parameters. Dielectric backdrop of foods, 1 of the important production parameters, are influenced by many factors, such as MW frequency, temperature, moisture content, and other food compositions. MWs accept plant applications in the areas of pasteurization, blanching, thawing, and concentration for liquid foods such as milk, fruit juice, puree, and lurid. Dehydration, roasting, cooking, tempering, baking, and extraction are some of the other applications of MW in food processing. Hybrid drying techniques wherein MW is combined with other processes have been reported to be highly efficient every bit compared to processing with MWs alone.
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Melt-Chilled and Melt-Frozen Foods
Alaa El-Din A. Bekhit , Shahin Roohinejad , in Reference Module in Food Science, 2016
Nutrient preservation is achieved by allowing desirable chemical, biochemical, and microbiological changes during the processing of food with the aim of stabilizing the food to make sure it is safe to exist consumed and has adequate nutritional and sensory properties. Modernistic consumers demand safe nutritious high-quality food products with specific functional properties and particular benefits with respect to human health ( Elansari and Bekhit, 2015). In recent years, the demand for set up-to-eat fast meals prepared past the food catering sector, outside the home, has increased worldwide. In parallel with this trend, food products from food grooming systems such as cooked-chilled and cooked-frozen foods accept increased.
A cook-chill arrangement is a food preservation engineering science in which foods are fully cooked (normally at temperature less than 100 °C), rapidly chilled, refrigerated for storage, and reheated before serving. This engineering science, unlike cook-hot agree engineering science, can preserve the nutritional and sensory properties of nutrient and produce high-quality products. During storage, the temperature conditions should be controlled to maintain the terminal core temperature to a higher place the freezing point at 0–3 °C, which gives an extended shelf life (Evans et al., 1996; Lord's day and Hu, 2002). During the initial thermal handling step and controlled depression-temperature storage, the destruction and inhibition of microorganisms, especially pathogenic ones, are achieved (Colina, 1994). Maintaining the temperature of the food beneath their initial freezing signal by i–2 °C during storage, 'supercooling' is used to extend the shelf life of cook-chilled products beyond the traditional 0–3 °C chilling temperature (Stonehouse and Evans, 2014). A modified cook-chill method in which foods are vacuum packaged and then cooked, chilled, and stored refrigerated (Effigy one) is referred to every bit 'sous-vide.' In this process, food is vacuum packed in sealed and airtight plastic numberless earlier cooking (Nyati, 2000). Food products prepared by sous-vide method are normally cooked at a temperature below 80 °C, and they have a shelf life of upwards to 28 days (Tansey et al., 2010).
Figure 1. Examples of some commercial cook-chilled and sous-vide products.
The processing of cook-frozen foods is the same as cook-chilled products except that the final product is frozen at a temperature beneath −30 °C and stored frozen until use where it is defrosted to 5 °C (O'Leary et al., 2000; Redmond et al., 2004). Storage weather (i.due east., time and temperature) are the chief factors that limit the shelf life of cook-chilled and sous-vide foods through degradation of sensory properties and microbial growth. The shelf life of melt-frozen products is express by the chemic and physical changes that are dependent on chemical composition of the food and the packaging organisation used. Major factors limiting the shelf life of cook-frozen food products are the structural changes related to water ice crystal formation and off-flavor germination caused past hydrolysis and oxidation of food compounds.
Melt-arctic and cook-freeze systems are mainly used by the catering, food service industries, and supermarkets that sell chilled/frozen cooked meals. Due to convenience and time-saving advantages associated with food products produced by these systems too equally their adept safe track record (Peck et al., 2006), they are widely used in catering businesses including hotels, restaurants, fast-nutrient shops, and places where a large number of foods are served in a short time (e.grand., schools, universities, airlines, and the military).
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